Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Little Bit of Rip Off

The bloggers here at The Third Sleeve are always looking out for the American consumer (fuck the foreign ones). Our investigative reporters have uncovered that the creative wizards behind the Take 5 "Little Bit of Luck" campaign are ripping off the Nickelodeon classic show "Littl' Bits" about adorable little woodland creatures. Now, the creators of the Nickelodeon show were obviously on LSD, but they knew how to compose a catchy song about fun and love.

Take a look for yourself. First up is the creepy, extremely unfunny Take 5 campaign

Notice the song. It's grating, but catchy. Now check out the theme song for Nickelodeon's "Littl Bits" (listen closely around the 43 second mark)

There you have it. While all the "littl' bits" care about is love, those greedy Take 5 bastards are selling luck like a creepy playground flasher sells candy (That tootsie roll was delicious by the way, thanks). We're happy that the world (all two of our readers) are now aware of this blatant corruption. Later guys, I'm gonna go buy some Take 5 tickets so I don't have to write for this stupid blog again. Wish me luck!


  1. The similarities are uncanny. I can't believe they got away with this.

  2. It's actually a song from My Fair Lady, so not exactly a rip-off, assuming they paid the appropriate licensing fees.

    However, what is an actual rip-off, is the product they are selling.
