Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jaws of Love

If there's one thing I learned in advertising, it's that creative directors at ad agencies get paid way too much money for something any idiot can do.

To illustrate, I will create a 30 second spot free of charge.

Advertiser: Trojan
Agency: The Third Sleeve
Art Director: Bagger
Copywriter: Bagger
Length: 30 seconds
Title: "Jaws of Love"

Open on a swanky bar in any urban setting in the US. An attractive man, early 30s, looks across the bar and sees something he likes.

(Jaws theme music begins, slowly as the man eyes his "prey")

Cut to a beautiful woman, mid to late 20s, stirring her drink sensuously. She notices the man across the bar glancing at her. She sheepishly looks down, then up again, smiling at her would be suitor.

(Jaws theme music builds in tempo)

The camera is positioned behind the man as he gets up from his seat. In the same frame, focus shifts from man to the woman across the bar (an homage to Spielberg's famous rack focus shot in Jaws).

Swipe cut to the man and women in a penthouse apartment. The women is sitting on the bed with the man standing in front of her. The bright lights of the city sparkle in the background.

She takes the man's belt off slowly. We hear sound of the zipper being pulled down

Close up on women's face. She smiles, looks up at the man.

(Jaws theme music erupts in its final dramatic crescendo)

Woman: We're gonna need a bigger condom

End frame super: Trojan Magnum Condoms: For when a smaller weapon just won't slay the beast.


  1. Not bad. I thought you were going to pull the ole switcheroo on us and the woman was going to be "Jaws"... needless to say, grateful you didn't

  2. In a way, she is. "Jaws of Love" is not just a clever title...
