Sunday, April 5, 2009

Dolla, Dolla Bills!

I've decided that I agree with all the new government policies regarding executive compensation. I would like to add one more which I think makes perfect sense. People on Wall Street who push paper should receive little to no compensation. The only people who should earn significant salaries are those who actually make money. By "making money", I mean individuals who work for the U.S. Mint. Bonuses will be paid based on how much money you make. While there will be immediate uproar from those working on the George Washington line claiming unfairness because they do the same exact job as those who work on the Ben Franklin line, those are the breaks. Think about the guys working on nickels and pennies! Clearly making money is the most logical way to encourage people to work harder. It will encourage growth in the U.S. Minting industry which is poised to reap significant benefit from the bailout plan...why should these workers not be compensated accordingly? We should encourage people to make more money. Forget about working for some evil bank, work for the U.S. Mint and make money! We should also pay auto workers based on how many cars they make. Who cares about the quality or whether they can actually be sold because there is no financing available...(or whether they can actually be driven because there's a bag of Sakrete where the engine is supposed to be). The auto worker did his job and he should be paid at the expense of others. After all, the auto industry is what drives our economy.  

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